
Monday, April 25, 2022

Uncurl, unfurl, nourish, flourish

As I finish the last dregs of my coffee, I close my eyes and let a gentle mist surround me. I send my thoughts and feelings into it, letting my mind go completely blank for a moment. Shapes begin forming, slightly soft around the edges, ready to melt and change at a simple thought. 
I sit on a balcony in a comfortable patio chair, a small table beside me. The soft sound of wind chimes floats on the warm, eddying breeze. Scattered sunlight shines through the layer of gray clouds. The quiet birdsong and the muted sounds of the city meld with the chimes and the faint sigh of the wind in the trees to create a unique orchestra. I can smell the freshness of the earth and grass, and the hint of rain in the air. I close my eyes, letting my mind trace back to the thoughts at hand. 
A lot of things are like flowers. Personalities, emotions, people, relationships. They grow and change. They close tightly when they feel threatened, some are strong and stirty, some more delicate… and they can die so very easily. They even bleed when wounded, though obviously not blood. I also firmly believe that nature can feel, even if it’s differently than we do. Relationships, for example. You can’t treat them the same, just as you cannot care for all plants the same. Not all require the same conditions to grow and thrive. Some are incredibly adaptable and flexible. Usually, the plant will let you know what it needs if it possibly can. And sometimes we have to come up with different solutions if we want to keep our greenery healthy. Just like relationships should be, most plants are beneficial to everything. They can heal the environment, they provide us with oxygen, and we provide them with carbon dioxide. And just as we should with some of the relationships we have, sometimes we need to cut off dead foliage, or trim a wildly growing vine when it is causing harm and destruction, and pull up weeds that are harming the plants and chaotically spreading. Sometimes it’s nature. Even wilderness life doesn’t last forever. It lives, grows, dies, and grows again, and nature does its thing. The rain, humidity, sunlight and darkness, pollination, temperatures, and types of soil take care of everything. 
I believe that in some way, we are all connected, even music and plants. 
I look around me as the shapes of the trees and clouds, and everything else slowly dissipates as the mist envelopes me. I close my eyes and take a deep lungful of the fresh air, as that is the last thing to go. I smile and stretch, listening to the real birds and wind chimes outside my window. 
I hope this post didn’t bore all of you. I’ll see you next time. 

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