
Friday, March 5, 2010


Hi there, everyone!!!

It's been quite a while since my last little entertaining story. Hopefully you enjoy them. This is one of my special posts. I've only had two others--one during Christmas and the other during Valentines Day. You all remember "CHRISTMAS with FAITH", and "HEART BEHIND the HEART"? If not, then you can visit my previous posts and take a look if you wish to do so. Those were just little contributes to special days and/or times that I feel deserve to be recognized. Although this is not a special occasion, I know that most of us are probably very, very excited for Spring being upon us, right? Well this is just a little salute to spring. Hahahaha. Okay, here it is, hope everyone likes it:

The bitter snows are shrinking away,
The Earth grows warmer with each passing day.
Things are beginning to blossum and grow,
The haulted waters are starting to flow.
The air is filled with the smells of spring,
And if you listen you can hear the birds sing.
So just take some time to look around,
You won't believe how many things can be found.
Everywhere, life starts anew,
A toast to spring, here's to you!

Hahaha. Okay, that was my little "party poem, my toast to the upcoming spring!" Yes! Let's not take for granted all of the wondrous beauty that is around us, whether you can see it or not, hear it or not, feel it or not, smell it or not, or taste it or not. Have a very nice spring, everyone!!

Best Wishes,

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