
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heart behind the heart

Hello, one and all!!!

Well, as you all know, today is February 14th, Valentines Day. Some of you may have heard the story behind Valentines Day, the history of how the day was created, and of the figure St. Valentine. Some people say that this man was a mythical creature. You can believe whatever you want to believe, as for me, I believe he was real, and I'm not afraid to admit it!

St. Valentine was a kind-hearted, god fearing man. He was a wedding priest, who wasn't afraid to show his feelings and speek his mind. He fought for what was natural and right, and he followed the laws of God, not the laws of man. The story tells that the powerful king of his land wanted to outlaw marriage because of the soldier count, and because he believed that the married soldiers were taking too many days off to see their families and acting all lovey-dovey instead of fighting in battles. He thought that they were growing weak because of families, so he outlawed marriage. The priest Valentine, however, would not stand for it. He spoke out against the king's law, saying that it was morally wrong and that he should reconsider, for that was not the way God would want things. He secretly held marriage ceremonies, and also helped a man, who, I think, was one of the king's servants, or guards, or something like that, who also spoke out against the immoral law, break out of prison. Afterwhich, he performed a marriage ceremony for him and his love. The king found out, and was outraged. He was thrown in prison for holding secret ceremonies and for speaking out against the king. The king told him that if he gave up his faith in his God, and only followed him and his laws, that he would be freed, and St. Valentine refused. (Now, I cannot remember whether or not if this is before or after he was thrown in prison.) While in prison, he made friends with the jailkeeper's daughter, who was blind. Her father had told Valentine that she was worth nothing but to serve prisoners bread in a prison chamber because of her blindness, but Valentine convinced him otherwise. He showed her that she was worth more than that, and told her to ask the Lord for her sight. He had strong faith, and one day, while on her duties, her sight was suddenly restored. On the morning of Valentine's death, she brought him flowers, lillies, from the garden, and before he was killed, he wrote her a letter, and her tears fell. After his death, it was proclaimed that on that day, February 14th, would be declared Valentines Day, in memory of the good St. Valentine. So every time you get a gift of any sort, or, in this case, a heart-shaped box filled with sweet candy and chocolates, always remember that there is heart behind the heart. Well, I hope I didn't mangle that story too badly. Smiles and cheers! Be back soon.

Warmest wishes,

Friday, February 5, 2010


Hello, everyone!

I am sorry that I have not been on my blog for a while-I've just been kind of busy, and I couldn't think of what to write, but all that has changed. As you have heard before in my blogs, this blog was inspired by a very very good friend of mine. Do you remember Bahzy? I know, who could forget Bahzy, right? I don't think anyone could. Anyway, he posed a very cool and, of course, symbolic scenario, and a flame sparked in my imagination, which became a small warm and glowing fire, if you know what I mean.

Have you ever thought about how wide and vast space is, with millions and millions of stars lighting up the night sky? What about a winding trail through a thick wood or through a mountain range? I know what you are thinking: How are those things connected? What does one have to do with the other? Think of it this way: in space, you could get lost very very easily-especially if you have no one to guide you to your destination. Even if you start off in one direction, you can very easily get lost because there is no visible path, no siderails, no directional signs, etc. On a winding path through a thick wood or a mountain range, you can get very lost just by taking one wrong turn... some people whom have gotten themselves lost in the wilderness or in the mountains have never made it back. The point here is that without the proper guidance, one can very easily lose their way in life. You must always remember to stay on the strait and narrow. Keep to your original path, and don't go astray, or you could end up never coming back... which is not good at all. LOL! Okay, I think you all get my message pretty well, I need to sign off of here and go to sleep. So good bye and good night to all. And if you read this during the day, then good future night, I hope you have a very pleasant present day, and sweet dreams to everyone. Be back soon!!!

Best Wishes,