
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You Don't Have to Jump With Your Eyes, Only Your Feet

Hello, everybody!

Wow! You will never believe the day I had in Science class! It was Oodles of fun! We did a project today involving power. Guess what the whole class did. We used a jump rope. Yup, that's right, a jump rope. Well, it turned out that I had a presentation from an earlier class, so I was wearing heels. The teacher said that it was perfectly fine for me to take my shoes off to do this. When I got up to go, one of my friends said that she didn't think I could jump rope. (Not in a mean way, she just didn't know.) So, when I got up there, the teacher started the stopwatch, and we had to jump from one end of the room to another. Which is exactly what I did. I didn't miss a jump, and the whole class was flabbergasted. I ended up getting an applause from the whole class. I made my way back to my seat, looking at my friend on the way.
"I thought you said that I couldn't jump rope." I said playfully. She smiled and said:
"Yeah, you can." We both laughed about it, and I had a lot of fun. So remember, you don't need your eyes to jump, just take a "leap of faith" and go with the flow.

Bye for now,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

People and Candy: What do the two have to do with each other?

Greetings, everyone!

Have you ever thought of comparing humans to pieces of candy? Well you can start now! How you may ask? Think about this concept: Different people throughout your life are like different pieces of candy. Now, there are some candies that you may not like, right? Well, those bitter-tasting pieces of candy may be people that have hurt you, people that have abandond you, or maybe your enemies. They are not the people that you want to associate with. You also have candy that you love. Like chocolate. (For us chocolate lovers!) These candies are the people in your life whom you enjoy being around and talking to. These are the ones whom care about you, love you, treat you well, and support you through times of trouble, hardships, and important moments throughout your life where you may be nervous or trying to succeed at something. But you know something? Sometimes you have to put up with some candy that you don't like. Here is an example: I was at a party in elementary school, and the teacher rewarded us with candy corn. I don't like that kind of candy, but I took one anyway because it was respectful and polite. Sometimes, if you encounter those people in your life that you do not enjoy being around, you may have to converse. Just take it with a smile. Remember, you can't just spit out a piece of candy that you don't like in front of others. You just bear with it. Once it's over, you don't have to do it again. (Hopefully.) The bible says that we should love our enemies. I know for a fact that this is difficult, so if you have to, just smile and be respectful. Don't just "spit them out" because you don't like them. Remember, you are going to have both sweet and bitter candy in your life. Hopefully you understood this message, and remember, people are not really candy-please don't try to eat them! LOL!

(Special thanks)
I would like to thank my friend Bahzy for helping me come up with this concept to write about. Thank you!

Best wishes,