
Friday, April 2, 2021

I’m still here

Hello to everyone.

Yes, I am, indeed, still here. It has been quite a while since I’ve written. This is more of a general update. A couple of months after my last peace, I started having strange medical issues after getting sick. A few months later, we figured out what was going on, and I now have an upcoming surgery to remove my gallbladder.
Anyway, in the past couple of months, I have been introduced to a new platform called clubhouse. I wasn’t sure if I would like it at first, but I have been finding little gems, treasures, through this platform. It has allowed me to express my creativity in a bit of a different way. I have managed to write a handful of new poems during this time. I am very much glad for the people that I have met that have been so uplifting, friendly, helpful, and supportive. I’m truly thankful for the opportunities that I have had, and I hope that everything continues, allowing the connections to grow even deeper.
I have also discovered a couple of more tentative opportunities that may help me to get a future job/boost a career. I’m still taking it slow; there are still things that I need to do and work on, but I am hopeful that I will be lead in the right direction somehow.
For those of you that are still here, thanks for sticking around. I truly appreciate your support.

I’ll try to write again soon