
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hello, everyone.

Recently, there has been a lot of buzzing around the matter of senator Rick Snider's new proposal for the Commission for the Blind. Many have read the documentation of his plan in an article, and a mob of disturbed, angered, and opinionated voices is rising quickly. On the outside, the proposal looks virtuous and helpful, but with all the professional and lawyer-based grammar, they could be talking about murder! ;)
Snider says that he will make things better. However, we as a blind comunity know better than that. We know what happeneds 9 times out of 10 when our "well being" and "common good", Etc. is put into the hands of the sighted who are "new and unaware". They know not what goes on behind the scenes of us, but rely on statistics, studies, and impersonal, data-based research. The same applies here. He doesn't know the stories, experiences, and journeys of the Commission/students. He doesn't know the triumphs, struggles, battles, or losses, the memories, new discoveries, and life-changing lessons. He doesn't know in what ways people were helped, how their outlooks changed, how their social skills, among others, thrived, and what kinds of impacts were made on lives. He doesn't see the core of the Commission, all he sees is an organization who has certain duties/responsibilities that it must follow. I urge you to look at this petition, and sign it for the thousands of visually impaired/blind/deaf blind students who will be forced out of college, and the workers who will lose their jobs, both Commissioners and students. If you cannot sign, then please share to help spread the word, and ask your friends to sign and share. Here is the link:


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to the Blogging Board

Hey there everyone!

I'll bet you all were wondering if I was still alive. Well, yes, I am. And, proud to say, back to blogging! Thanks to mobile blogger app, it is quite easy for me to post blogs--no more accessibility issues here. :) now, the next question is, what to post next? So, if you have any suggestions and:or ideas, feel free to let me know! Thanks and have a blessed day all. :)