
Friday, January 28, 2011

Bumps, Keys, Voices

Hello, everyone.

I know it has been a very long time since I've written in this blog, hopefully that hasn't scared you away. LOL. Anyway, today I have an interesting topic.
Now, this may not be the most interesting thing for a sited person to read, but please just give it a chance, for me. :)
One of my friends on Facebook posted a comment about making a bet on whether or not braille would become "extinct", and placed a bet. This, in turn, started a very interesting conversation. There were many different opinions, and it would take me all week to write them all--my fingers would fall off!!! Anyway, it got me thinking: I never realized just how important Braille is. I mean, I've ALWAYS used it, so I guess I just never gave it much thought. However, the issue of braille meterials already being hard gto find is not recognized by the general public, nor is blindness in general very familiar to them. Braille has been around ever since its creator, and our hero, Louis Braille, has romed this Earth. If not for him, we wouldn't even have a way, be it old or new, to read or gain access to printed meterials that are esential for daily life. I believe that, in order to keep this thing going for as long as possible, we should try to get more people educated on the subject, as an individual and a whole.People need to know that not all of us can live upon technology alone, if at all. And, if more people know about it, the easier it may become to get it out there, and to make some of the stereotypes and/or myths go away. Now, I'm sorry if I've bored you beyond your grave, but I hope you agree. Plus, Braille is interesting... like a foreign language. At least, that's what I've been told. LOL. Okay, that's all for now.

Thans all,